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{googleMapModule} {newsletter} > Ljubljana > Zimmer Pr Kopač

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Zimmer Pr Kopač



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Zimmer Pr Kopač - präsentation

Pr 'Kopač is located only 10 minutes from the centre of capital city Ljubljana and is located close to the motorway exit offering an excellent location for exploring the capital city as also a great place to start a trip across the country.

In our guesthouse Pr 'Kopač we offer our clients 14 very cosy, pleasantly decorated, air-conditioned and very spacious rooms. The rooms are flooded with light and are fully equipped in a way that will satisfy every type of guest and make them feel right at home.

Rooms -> 

Not only an incredibly relaxing stay, but we also offer our guests a delicious breakfast buffet with fresh food sourced from local producers.

Rooms Pr 'Kopač Brezovica Ljubljana


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