> Aktivitäten > Kinderaktivitäten > Puhova


Ausgangspunkt: Ptuj
- Länge der Radwege:
49.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
Starting from the cycling club in Ptuj, head for the park by the Drava. When you pass under the railroad bridge, turn left and continue along the tracks until you reach Ormoška ulica and the marked cycling road. After about a kilometer, you will arrive in Budina. Pass through the village to the Ristovec mansion and onward to Brstje, where you should first turn left, then turn right in the town center. This should take you to Spuhlja, where we recommend riding on the sidewalk to the Vila Monde restaurant. From there, turn left at the first intersection and right at the second, toward Dornava. The tree-lined avenue and magnificant manor should be visible from afar. At the main crossroads in Dornava, turn left toward Polenšak. After crossing the bridge over the river Pesnica, turn right immediately onto a long flat stretch of road that ends in Žamenci. Here, the Ptuj plain gives way to the hilly terrain of Slovenske gorice. You will find this out for yourself though: you will need to ascend three short inclines to get to Lasigovci, four kilometers down the road. When you actually get there, turn left toward Polenšak. After a difficult ascent, you will have an opportunity to refresh yourself at the Šegula inn and visit the church of St. Mary. Then, cycle further into the Slovenske gorice area to Rotman, where you should turn right at the junction. Pass Sakušak to Gomila, which is the highest part of the route at 352 meters above sea level. The lookout tower should provide you with an excellent view of the surrounding area, all the way to Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Also, in Sakušak there is a side road leading to the museum in the birth house of inventor Janez Puh. From Gomila, descend to Zagorci and take a sharp right turn to Kokolajnščk. Descend through Gibina and Stračina to Hvaletinci and back onto the plain. After cycling through Grlince and Gabernik (turn right), you will arrive in Mostje. Cross the river Pesnica and turn right in Pacinj, to Sp. Velovlek. There, turn left and ascend Kicar. When you have descended again, turn left, continue for about a kilometer down a paved road past the sign for Ptuj, through Žabjak back to the starting point in front of Perutnina.
The most important attraction along this route is the Dornava mansion .Constructed in 1435, it is the most important non-religious building made in the late baroque style in Slovenia. It was not originally a baroque building, of course - it was remodeled by the Sauer family in the early 18th century. The grandiose mansion once had a huge English garden that stretched all the way to the Pesnica river. Some of the furniture can be seen in the regional museum in Ptuj, and the mansion itself can be visited in the company of a local guide. The massive church of St. Mary (built in the early 17th century) atop Polenšak, also known as »the white church« is often visited by sick and disabled pilgrims. In Sakušak stands the birth house of Janez Puh, the renowned inventor who also left his mark on cycling. The locals have converted the house of a museum that is truly worth a visit. A little farther, on Gomila, stands a lookout tower from which you can (assuming the weather is nice) see all the way to Austria, Croatia or Hungary. In Hvaletince, there are two other points of interest: a plague mark from the 17th century and a newer chapel. Also, in Mostje you can see an older chapel and a World War II memorial.
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