> Aktivitäten > Sport im Freien > Planina Blato

Planina Blato

Ausgangspunkt: Bohinj - Stara Fužina
- Länge der Radwege:
21.0 km - Zeit:
03:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Schwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
Begin cycling in Stara Fužina. Turn uphill at the bridge and pass the houses. After 350 meters, follow the left road and you will soon reach a small parking lot where hikers leave their cars. Parking usually isn't free. At the beginning, the ascent isn't very steep and the road is asphalt. You will reach the first intersection about a kilometer from the parking lot. Turn left, following the signpost for Dom na Vogarju. From here, the road to the top is mainly macadam. The ascent isn't very difficult and the road is quite solid. There are only a few parts with asphalt. At the second intersection, either turn right toward the Blato plateau or turn left (the signpost says Vogar) toward the lodge at Vogar. Another road heads farther uphill, but doesn't lead anywhere (there's only a walking path). There is a great view of Lake Bohinj from the lodge. We recommend that you return the way you came. There is another, shorter path leading from the lodge through the forest, but it is very rocky and problematic.
Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).