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Panoramska pot


Ausgangspunkt: Cankova

  • Länge der Radwege:
    38.0 km
  • Zeit:
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad:
  • Boden :
    Asphalt, Schotterstraße

From Cankova, ascend lightly toward Korovci. Cycle to Gerlinci, where you can sample the local delicacies, especially the fine wines from the numerous wine cellars. From here, the road winds along the ridges of the Rogašovci municipality, close to the national border. As you ride between the vineyards, you should have a good view of both the Slovenian and the Austrian side of the ridge. After passing through Fikšinci, Nuskova, Rogašovci and Serdica, you will reach Sotina. From the lower part of the villages Serdica and Sotina you can ascend Serdiški breg or Sotinski breg, the two highest hills of Goričko and Pomorje, both of which offer a pleasant view of the area. From Sotina, continue to Kuzme and then to Grad. There, you can ascend a winding road through the forest to the upper part of the village and to the biggest medieval castle in Slovenia. Proceed to Beli križ, where you should turn toward Motovilci. Cycle over flatland through the villages of Ropoča and Krašče, where you have the option of eating some fresh or dried fruit grown in the numerous fruit orchards. Heading through Krašče, you will also pass by the Ledava lake. Here, you can rest on the shore or take a look at the museum of old farm machinery and the items made by local craftsmen. After passing through the villages Domajinci and Topolovci, begin a light ascent in the shade of the trees, then descend back to Cankova. There are hundreds of other little interesting things along the route. You can discover them yourself or make use of the tourist guides and information boards, not to mention the friendly locals who will be happy to show you the products of their crafts.

Cankova is the birthplace of dr. Avgust Pavel. In Korovci, you can visit the Village museum - gallery at the Bransberger homestead and take a walk along the forest educational trail »Fuks graba«.



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