> Aktivitäten > Fahrradfahren > Osrednja pot

Osrednja pot

Ausgangspunkt: Puconci
- Länge der Radwege:
64.0 km - Zeit:
03:20:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The route begins in Puconci and continues towards Vaneča after a gentle climb through the village. In Vaneča, take a look at the National Struggle for Liberation exhibits in the soldiers home on Vrbnjek hill, from where you also have a beautiful view of the Prekmurje plain. Then, turn right toward Bokrači, which you should reach after passing over a few low hills. After a long descent to Dolina, cross the railroad tracks in Vaneča and cycle toward Šalamenci. There, turn toward Pečarovci. A challenging ascent will bring you to the center of Sebeščan, where you can visit the church of St. Sebastian. Descend to Moščanci. After crossing the railroad tracks, turn onto the main road. Follow it for about a hundred meters, then take the tourist road toward Kuštanovci. The lightly ascending macadamized road makes its way among the forests and vineyards to Kuštanovci (nearby, there are several vista points). There, head down the asphalt road to Mačkovci, cross the main road again and ascend to Otovci. Here, you can visit the local orchard. The route slowly descends past Vidonci and Kovačenci, where you can stop at a farm and try the homemade fruit juice, to Poznanovci. There, follow a winding flat road over the fields and through the forests to Bodonci. Another climb awaits you, this time to the Bodonci evangelical church, from which there is a wonderful view. From Bodonci, descend to Vadarci and then ascend to Drvaričev breg, where you can stop at a tourist farm. Refreshed, proceed along a dirt road through the forest until you reach the asphalt road in Beznovci, then follow a macadamized road through the fields to Strukovci. Finally, the road takes you over flatland through Puževci, where archeologists discovered remains of Roman settlements and burial grounds, through Lemerje, Brezovci and Gorica back to the starting point in Puconci. You can also shorten the route in Vidonci, from where a road takes you along the ridge to the village of Pečarovci (firefighters museum) and then through Šalamenci to Puconci.
In Strukovci stands the birth house of translator and founder of Prekmurje literature Štefan Kuzmič.
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