> Aktivitäten > Ob Savi Dolinki

Ob Savi Dolinki

Ausgangspunkt: Lesce
- Länge der Radwege:
95.0 km - Zeit:
04:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
In the center of Lesce, turn toward Hraše. At the end of Hraše, the left road leads toward Studenčice, but you should cycle toward Rodine. Proceed to the left in the direction of Žirovnica. After crossing the railroad tracks, cycle through Moste and onward to Jesenice. At the first traffic light in Slovenski Javornik, turn left. After a few bends, the narrow road ends at an intersection. Turn left and then left again. Once you cross the Sava Dolinka river, turn right. Return to the left bank of the Sava across another bridge (picture). Turn left along the major road and head straight past the railroad station. Turn left at the crossroads and left again across the bridge. Once you cross the Sava, turn right and then left at the first intersection to cross the Sava Dolinka once again using a narrower bridge. You should reach the main Jesenice – Rateča road. Turn left and you'll soon see the sign for the cycling trail 910200 by the road. Follow the markings for the cycling trail through Mojstrana and Belca. Once the main road approaches the Sava river, the real cycling trail begins on the left. It runs on the former railroad tracks. Follow the markings for the trail through Kranjska Gora. In Rateče, turn left toward Planica. Turn back once the asphalt road ends at the base of the giant ski jump. Return the way you came. It is possible to follow the recently asphalted cycling path to the railroad bridge. The cycling path from the bridge to Belca and Mojstrana has not been asphalted yet.
Most of this route follows the cycling trail 910200 (Jesenice-Rateče). In Podkoren, you'll pass the ski slope where World Cup skiing competitions take place. The asphalt road ends in Planica by the base of the huge ski jump.
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