> Aktivitäten > Kurorte & Wellness > Wellness > Benedikt


Ausgangspunkt: Lenart
- Länge der Radwege:
43.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
From the church, cycle along the main road toward Gornja Radgona. After barely a hundred meters, turn left in the direction of Trate. Continue along the Velka stream to Žice, turn right at the Perko inn and begin a slow, long ascent (about 3 kilometers) to Sv. Ana. After a short, winding descent, continue straight at the crossroads in the valley. The next few kilometers to Benedikt are over rolling land, but you will mostly be descending. Just before Benedikt, you can see the famous mineral water springs. The town is named after St. Benedict, and the church here is dedicated to him as well. You may also notice the church of the Three Kings above you. You can see the way leading to it by continuing along the cycling road. After crossing the Lenart - Gornja Radgona highway, cycle for about a kilometer and a half before turning left onto a (usually empty) road in the direction of Negova, a small village with a big castle. Shortcut: When you see the road to Negova, ignore it and continue left. You will return to the road between Osek and Sv. Trojica on the right. This will shorten your journey from 43 to 29 kilometers! Negova is not known so much for its cultural attractions as it is for its "somewhat different" presidential candidate, Ivan Kramberger. Your ride toward Sp. Ivanjce (right), Cogetinci and Osek should be quite pleasant, as you will constantly be in a cool shade. However, you will not be cold during your ascent to Osek, since you will have to burn quite a bit of energy to make it to the summit. You have another five kilometers to go until the next summit - Sv. Trojica. Once you enter the town, you may rest at the inn as well as visit the monastery and church of the Holy Trinity. If you wish to stop by the Trojica lake, follow the sign toward the restaurant, located just before the end of the descent. In addition to culinary pleasures, they offer many opportunities for water sports. Feel free to enjoy them, as the end of the route is quite near.
From Žice to Sv. Ana you will have the opportunity to see seven burial mounds by the road. The town of Sv. Ana is named after the church, which was built in 1705 on the site of a former wooden chapel. By the road you can see a plague mark from 1637 called Pomorski križ. Benedikt in Slovenske gorice grew around the church of St. Benedict, believed to have been built before the 14th century. Nearby, you can see the Benedict springs, an abandoned attempt at pumping mineral water, several burial mounds, and an ancient cemetery. On the hill above Benedict stands the church of the Three Kings, once a pilgrimage church. Near the town grows a lime tree whose circumference is 535 centimeters. The divide between the systems of the Mura and Drava rivers goes from Negova toward Osek. Osek is known for its motorcross races and for a large Roman cemetery with fifty burial mounds. The town of Sv. Trojica (Holy Trinity in English) is named after its church, built in the first half of the 17th century. In the second half of the 17th century, the church was obtained by the Augustinians, who added a monastery to it. For the last 150 years the church has been owned by the Franciscan order. Beneath the town is a large lake, which is visited by quite a few people during the summer.
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