> Kranjska Gora > Pehta taxi, mini bus

Pehta taxi, mini bus
Podkoren 73, 4280 Kranjska Gora GSM: 00 386 41 709 750, faks: 00 386 4 587 96 10
Pulito 10.0
Posizione 10.0
Comfort 10.0
Servizi 10.0
Il rapporto qualità/prezzo 10.0
Filtra per tipo di viaggiatori:
Ian Andrews Famiglia 7.5.2011 ob 10:53We have used Pehta Taxi for many years now and have found them 100% reliable, we have never had to wait for the taxi to arrive he has always been there at the time required. I have no problems recommending Mitja (Pehta Taxi) to anyone visting the area. First class service.10
12.10.2009 ob 08:3410
11.9.2009 ob 11:3910