> Attività > Janče2
punto di partenza: : Jevnica
- lunghezza:
9.0 km - tempo:
01:15:00 - difficolta:
media - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato
Descrizione della strada
This is one of the many ways to reach the popular destination Janče. The macadam road runs through a forest, so it is almost completely empty of motor vehicles. Your starting point is Jevnica, from where you should head in the direction of Zgornja Jevnica and Golišče. At the first intersection (by the Štengar mill), turn left toward Mala Štanga and Golišče (if you would prefer a shorter trip, you can also turn right toward Janče). The road constantly ascends uphill. Keep turning right at intersections, and you should eventually make it past the village Tuji Grm to Janče and the church of St. Nicholas. Janče is a popular tourist destination. The mountain lodge Na Jančah stands near the church, and there is a majestic view of the surrounding area.
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