> Aktivitäten > Ravna


Ausgangspunkt: Terme Ptuj
- Länge der Radwege:
45.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Your journey begins in Terme Ptuj. Cycle past the golf course to Skorba. There, turn left at the junction and cross the Ptuj-Maribor highway.
After about two kilometers of relatively relaxing cycling, you will reach the Skorba water pump.
Continue through Kungota, where those of you interested in local culture can visit the decaying castle of Ravno polje as well as the church of St. Kunigunde, built in 1520 in the late Gothic style.
From here, the road goes through the villages of Prepolje and Marjeta in Dravsko polje to Rače. Just before Rače, you can stop at the Mešl pond and observe the storks nesting there. However, an even more beautiful area of unspoiled nature can be found in the regional park by the ponds in Rače. The park is simply perfect for relaxing while listening to the singing of the birds and the rustling of the trees!
When you feel sufficiently relaxed, proceed through the villages of Brezula and Podova, where you shold turn left toward Sp. Gorica and then straight toward Stražgonjci.
Congratulations, you are about halfway to the end of the route. Hopefully, you are not too tired... In any case, cycle toward Šikole. After crossing the main road and the railroad, you should make it to Cirkovce. Here, you may choose to simply admire the beautiful silhouette of the church of St. Mary, or, if you have the time and inclination, stop and take a detailed look inside it.
Next, you have a few kilometers of flat road to go before you reach Lovrenc na Dravskem polju. There, turn right at the crossroads toward Apače and forward to Dražence. From Dražence, there are only three kilometers to go - past the Turnišče mansion and the Pintar mill, then under the bridges over the Drava back to your starting point.
The Ravno polje mansion near Kungota is unfortunately badly in need of repair, but the castle in Rače (Kranichsfeld) has been completely renovated after years of hard work. The older, baroque part of the castle, from the first part of the 16th century, features several arcades. The newer part of the castle was built in the early 17th century; its chief feature are the two round corner towers. This part also contains the chapel of John Nepomuk. The castle changed hands several times through the years. The last owners were the Bachlers, who held it until the end of WWII. If you look at the plan of the Turnišče mansion , you may notice that it is shaped like the letter H. It has looked like this since the 17th century, when two single-floor wings were added to it, lined by beautiful arcades. The mansion most famous owners were the Warren-Lippit barons, who owned it from 1884 to the end of WWII. By the mansion, the Lippits created a wonderful, pond-filled park and a renowned stable. In the last few years, the locals have been trying to return this stable to its former glory.
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