> Aktivitäten > Po poti kulturne dediščine

Po poti kulturne dediščine

Ausgangspunkt: Žirovnica
- Länge der Radwege:
10.0 km - Zeit:
00:30:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The route begins in Žirovnica and continues through the villages of Selo, Zabreznica, Breznica, Doslovče and Smokuč to Rodine, where you should turn right, toward the south. After about 200 meters, turn right again onto the »imperial road« in the direction of Vrba. From Vrba, continue along this road to Zabreznica and return to Žirovnica along the main road.
Žirovnica: birth house of Matija Čop
Breznica: birth house of Anton Janša and Janša apiary
Doslovče: birth house of writer F.S. Finžgar
Rodine: church of St. Clement and the birth house of writer Janez Jalen
Vrba: birth house of poet France Prešeren, an extremely old willow surrounded by 16 stones and a church of St. Mark with traces of the original romanesque design
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