Planiranje počitnic zahteva čas. Brskanje po programih v različnih katalogih vas spravlja ob živce, saj se v njih vedno najde del programa, ki vam je zanimiv, medtem ko pa je ostali del programa za vas dolgočasen. In kateri koli katalog prejmete v roke vedno ista zgodba.
Kako najti turistični program, ki vam bo od začetka do konca ustrezal?
Da bi bilo lahko kdajkoli drugače, si skorajda ne znate več predstavljati
Razlog za tako razširjen pojav v turizmu in njegova rešitev, pa je pravzaprav ves čas vsem na očeh, pred nosom, a je ne opazimo.
Že v prejšnjem stoletju je švicarski zdravnik in psiholog C.G. Jung, ki velja za enega izmed najpomembnejših psihologov in filozofov 20. stoletja, postavil prvi model za klasificiranje osebnostnih profilov. Na osnovi tega je prišel do štirih osebnostnih tipov, ki ima vsak svoje preference. Ti osebnostni tipi so kolerik, sangvinik, flegmatik in melanholik.
Vsi našteti preferenčni tipi ljudi imajo svoje potrebe
Nekateri ljudje uživajo v druženju, drugi pa uživajo v samoti. Nekateri ljudje uživajo v adrenalinu, medtem ko pa so drugi raziskovalci.
Vse omenjene tipe moderni turizem ne upošteva pri pripravi posameznih turističnih programov, temveč jih vse skupaj zavije v paket raznovrstnih dobrot, ki naj bi zadovoljile vse hkrati, a jih ne.
Zaradi tega razloga je danes v poplavi turističnih programov silno težko najti turistični program, ki bi vas zadovoljil od prve točke do zadnje.
Mi smo se odločili za drugačen pristop
Pri načrtovanju turističnega progama smo upoštevali Jungov model klasificiranja osebnosti in za vsak osebnostni tip smo pripravili turistični program, ki mu je pisan na kožo.
Namesto terminov kot so sangvinik in melanholik smo ga raje poimenovali po barvah. Da si ga je lažje zapomniti.
Rdeči, rumeni, zeleni in modri program. V katerega sodite?
Pripravili smo poseben vprašalnik, ki vam natančno pove v katero preferenčno skupino sodite.
Glede na dobljeni rezultat vam bomo poslali turistični program, ki vam bo od prve ter do zadnje točke pisan na kožo in nad njim boste presenečeni. Tovrstnega turističnega programa ne boste dobili nikjer.
Te različne programe smo pripravili posebej za vas, ker ste drugačni in si tudi zaslužite program, ki je drugačen od drugih.
Na svetu ni veliko krajev kjer bi to lahko doživeli
Triglavski narodni park je poseben, čaroben kraj, ki se nahaja v Sloveniji. Po mnenju časnika The Guardian eden izmed desetih najlepših narodnih parkov Evrope.
Raznolikosti, ki jo boste doživeli v triglavskem narodnem parku je ne morete nikjer. Triglavski narodni park je namreč tako raznolik, da vas na skoraj vsakem koraku čaka presenečenje, ki si ga ne morete predstavljati niti v sanjah.
Zaradi raznolikosti TNP in predvsem zaradi našega posebnega programa, ki je prilagojen posebej za vas, boste tukaj doživeli dopust, katerega se boste še leta spominjali
Kako zgledajo počitnice v Triglavskem narodnem parku?
Triglavski narodni park ne ponuja zgolj miru in zasebnosti. Le lučaj stran vas čakajo tudi zabave, večerje z družbo in nešteto število očarljivih mestec in vasi. Tukaj se nahaja Bled, ki je s svojim jezerom svetovni unikum.
Na poti vas odpeljemo. Vsaki dan vas bomo odpeljali v drugi kraj. Ob koncu dneva vas bomo s cilja odpeljali nazaj, kjer boste lahko uživali na svoji lastni terasi in uživali v spokojnosti.
Počeli boste veliko različnih stvari.
Vendar to še nikakor ni vse!
Vemo, da planiranje dopusta vzame svoj čas. O njem se je potrebno posvetovati z družino ali z vašo pohodniško druščino. Da bi vam vse to olajšali, smo za Vas pripravili prav posebno vprašalnik, ki vas bo okarektiziral in vam povedal v katero skupino sodite. Rdečo rumeno, zeleno ali pa modro.
Na podlagi tega vam bomo sestavili program, ki vam bo pisan na kožo od prve do zadnje točke.
V njem boste Izvedeli marsikaj o Triglavskem narodnem parku, o sami Sloveniji in o turističnem programu, ki smo ga pripravili z mislijo na vas. Pokazali ga boste lahko svoji družini in prijateljem in tako lažje sprejeli odločitev, da letos dopust preživite prav tu.
Pridobite si program, ki vsebuje slikovni material ter podrobne opise hkrati s slikami pokrajine in samih poti in ki vam bo pisan na kožo,kot nobeden drugi program.
Planning a holiday takes time. Browsing through the programs in various catalogs and websites can be tiring and cost you a lot of nerves. Even if you find part of a tourist program which is interesting other parts can be little bit boring, and it's almost impossible to find a program that fits you from the beginning to the end.
How To Find A Tourist Package Program That Fits you from begining to the end?
You can’t imagine that things could ever be different
The reason for such a widespread phenomenon in the tourism industry and the solution for it, are actually right in front of us all the time, but we simply don’t notice them.
Already in the previous century the renowned Swiss physician and psychologist C.G. Jung, who is considered to be one of the most important psychologists and philosophers of the 20th century, set up the first model for the classification of personality types. On the basis of this model, he determined four personality types, each having their own traits – the choleric, the melancholic, the sanguine and the phlegmatic personality type.
And all of these types of people have their own special needs and desires
Some people enjoy socializing, while others enjoy the solitude. Some people like adrenaline, while others like to be explorers.
While preparing new tourist packages the modern tourism industry does not take all of these various personality types into account at all, but is rather creating new packages that consist of various activities, which should satisfy all at once, but in fact do exactly the opposite.
And that is why nowadays in the vast amount of tourist programs offered it is very difficult to find a holiday program that would satisfy you from beginning to end.
And for this reason we opted for a different approach
PWhile planning our new tourist program we followed Jung's model of classifying personality types and prepared variations of the program that are tailor-made for each individual personality type.
Instead of the terms choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic we named the personality types after colors. Simply, because it is easier to remember.
We now offer the red, yellow, green and blue tourist package program.
Have a look at which program would suit you best!
We have prepared a short questionnaire for you with which you can exactly Depending on the result, we will send you a tourist program which will really You won’t be able to find a tourist package program like ours anywhere determine your own personality type. suit you from beginning to end – you will be surprised. else.
We have prepared these various tailor-made programs especially for you because you are important to us and you deserve a special tourist package program, which is like no other.
There aren't many places in the world where you could experience this.
The Triglav National Park is a special and magical place located in Slovenia. According to the British newspaper The Guardian this national park is one of the ten most beautiful national parks in Europe.
The diversity that you will experience in the Triglav National Park you won’t encounter anywhere else. The Triglav National Park is actually so diverse that at almost every step you take a surprise you wouldn't imagine even in your wildest dreams is waiting for you.
The beauty of the Triglav National Park combined with our special tourist package programs that are tailored specifically for you – this is the perfect combination for your holiday in Slovenia which you will remembered for years to come.
How does a holiday in the Triglav National Park look like?
The Triglav National Park does not only offer peace and privacy. Only a stone's throw away for example also great nightlife, good restaurants and a number of charming towns and villages are waiting for you. Here of course we have to mention Bled, which is known all over the world for its unique lake with the little island.
Every day we will take you to another place and at the end of each day bring you back to your holiday home, where you will be able to enjoy and relax in private on your own terrace.
You will be doing a lot of different things!
But this is by no means all!
We know that planning a vacation takes time. You have to discuss it with your family or for example with your hiking buddies. To make this easier, we have prepared a special questionnaire for you, which will determine the color group you belong to and the tourist program that will suit you the most – red, yellow, green or blue.
On the basis of this questionnaire, we will put together a program which will be tailor-made from beginning to end just for you.
Your tourist package program will among others give you information about the Triglav National Park, Slovenia in general and of course the specifics of the program. You will be able to show it to your family and friends, discuss it and hopefully decide to spend your next vacation in our beautiful country.
Get your program which includes photos and detailed descriptions with pictures of the landscape and all the routes that you will be taking. Get the program that will suit you in every way, like no other tourist program ever did before.

