> Attività > Land of disappearing lakes

Land of disappearing lakes

punto di partenza: : Postojna, Hotel Sport
- lunghezza:
53.0 km - tempo:
03:00:00 - difficolta:
media - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato
Descrizione della strada
Track of disappearing lakes takes over Javorniki mountain chain on Pivka side, where the countryside is much more opened and less overgrown. It is about transition from deep forest to the land, which reminds of Istria. Apart from little villages where it seems that the time has stoped and cerkva numerous churches the landscape trills most with dissapearing lakes of Pivka. The most famous are Petelinjsko and Palško lake, where we can watch birds and if lucky also raindeer. We can also relax in horseriding center Prestranek, at fishing in Pivka river or on panoramic flight from sport airport in Postojna.
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