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{googleMapModule} {newsletter} > Cerklje na Gorenjskem > EcoTurismo Viženčar

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EcoTurismo Viženčar

Ambrož pod Krvavcem 23, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem GSM: 00 386 41 647 545

Spending time in cedar barrel expands blood vessels, improves circulation of skin, muscles, joints and internal organs, stimulates metabolism and enhances the oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide secretion. The use of sauna enhances the activity of heart, lungs and glands with internal secretion as well as sebaceous glands. It detoxifies body which becomes purified of toxins, metabolism normalizes, the skin cleanses and softens, excessive body weight is lost while the immunity is strengthened as well as the secretion of endorphins (they affect on euphoria and sedation), which makes us feel much better.

The use of cedar herb steam barrel is recommended for:

  • stress, chronic fatigue syndromes, tension in muscles and joint pains;
  • diseases of the musculo-skeletal and peripheral nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases, postinfarctic state and post-stroke state (spending time in sauna is not recommended in first 6 months after the stroke);
  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and chronic diseases of reproductive organs;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • dermatological problems;
  • various inflammations;
  • reduced immunity and weakened immune system;
  • hormonal imbalance (it regulates activity of thyroid, pancreas and genital glands);
  • high blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • overweight and cellulite.

The use of sauna is not advised in the presence of malignant and benign tumors, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, deep venous thrombophlebitis, acute inflammatory diseases, atrial fibrillation, acute cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, pregnancy and bleeding.






Time: 15 minutes

Temperature: 42°C – 45°C

Price: 20 €
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