> Attività > Čepulje, Križna Gora
Čepulje, Križna Gora
punto di partenza: : Škofja Loka
- lunghezza:
26.0 km - tempo:
01:40:00 - difficolta:
semplice - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato, sentiero
Descrizione della strada
From Škofja Loka, pass through Soteska and enter the Selca valley (Selška dolina). This part of the route goes along the main road, which is laden with heavy traffic, especially at peak times. If you wish to avoid it, we recommend ascending the old military road to the Nace refreshment place or the mountain pass and descending into the valley through the village of Sv. Tomaž. Continue through the valley through Bukovica, followed by taking the road to Ševlje and Bukovščica. The ascent begins just before the village of Strmica and leads us to Čepulje - a favorite spot for cyclists arriving here from Stražišče. Proceed toward Lavtarski vrh. The road is very narrow and favored by hikers, so exercise both caution and goodwill. Too many cyclists (not you, of course) fail to realize that hikers have just as much right to be there as cyclists do. Once you reach Križna Gora, your troubles are almost over. Before returning to Škofja Loka, we recommend visiting the old village of Crngrob, known for its pilgrimage church with a fresco of Easter Sunday. You can get to Crngrob by passing through the villages of Moškrin and Pevno.
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