> Attività > Agatina kolesarska povezava
Agatina kolesarska povezava
punto di partenza: : Hrastovec
- lunghezza:
45.0 km - tempo:
00:00:00 - difficolta:
semplice - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato
Descrizione della strada
Start cycling in the direction of Sp. Partinj, over the Partinšak stream. From there, descend to the local road in Zamarkova and to the Hrastovec castle. The castle is inhabited, but you can visit it if you made prior arrangements. You can also simply rest in the shadows of the courtyard. Continue through Vinička vas (Korena), Sp. Voličina, Hum and Dolge njive to Zavrh. Each ascent rewards you with an incredible view. From the outlook tower in Zavrh, you can gaze over all the hills of Slovenske gorice. You can also visit the Rudolf Maister memorial, then pass by Gradenšak on your way through the valley of the artificial river bed of the Pesnica river. Eventually, you will reach the Lenart-Ptuj road, which you should cross and follow the local road toward Sveta Trojica. You can rest by Gradiško jezero before your ascent to Sv. Trojica, where you can visit a chapel and a beautiful church. Cycle along the local road toward Žerjavci (Zg. Porčič) past Sp. Žerjavic, Cenkova and Sv. Ana until you reach the village of Žice. The last parts of the route takes you through the hills by Cmurek and the forests of Gasteraj. Return to the starting point through Jurovski dol, Zg. Partinj and Varda.
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