> Črnomelj > Štajdohar restaurant

Štajdohar restaurant
Kanižarica 41g, 8340 Črnomelj tel.: 00 386 7 354 06 60, GSM: 00 386 41 634 639, faks: 00 386 7 305 77 91
Cleanliness 9.7
Location 9.0
Comfort 9.3
Service 9.7
The quality of the offer regarding the price 9.7
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Ivan Horvat Group of Friends 5.12.2021 at 9:18 AMEna še redkih restavracij,kjer poznajo prijaznost,poznajo šaljivost,znajo pričarati vzdušje in stare,dobre,slovenske okuse!9.8
Anonimno Young Couple 29.9.2015 at 10:03 AMVelike porcije in gostoljubno osebje.9.6
28.3.2009 at 8:51 AM9