> Activities > Bear Land

Bear Land

Starting point: Postojna, Hotel Sport
- Path length :
119.0 km - Time:
05:00:00 - Difficulty:
Medium - Ground:
Asphalt, Macadam
Description of path
The tour leads over the Javornik – Snežnik forests, where the wolf, lynx and brown bear still roam. We realize how small we are, on this two-day tour, since we are constantly covered by a great forest blanket. We can take a meal on Mašun and enjoy in the game of boule before the sleep. On the next day we cross the weekend village Sviščaki by the one of the most beautiful peaks in the Notranjska region (Snežnik), where we also come quite close to the Croatian border. Afterwards we can visit the fabulous castle Snežnik and the dormouse museum. From here we continue towards Cerknica and ride about 10 kilometres by the border of famous disappearing lake Cerknica, which is a living place of many water birds and other animals. The famous brown grumbler that likes berries and sleeps over the winter also lives here.
The author of these pages takes no responsibility for the described cycle routes or for the accuracy of the data. We have presented the cycle routes to the best of our ability, but the cyclist and the maintainer of the route are ultimately responsible for the safety of the trip.