> Aktivitäten > Kinderaktivitäten > Vinska


Ausgangspunkt: Ormož
- Länge der Radwege:
41.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Schwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Waldweg
Begin in front of the hotel in Ormož and head in the direction of Velika Nedelja. Carefully turn onto the very busy main road. After a few hundred meters, turn right toward Hajndl and you will reach Velika Nedelja after a kilometers ride along the ridge. In Velika Nedelja, turn right, cycling beneath the castle and the church of the Holy Trinity. In Sodinci, turn right and ride through the valley of Sejanski potok, passing through the villages of Vičanci, Sejanci and Bratonečice on your way to Savci. The pond on your left is suitable for picnics and various sports activities. Turn right toward Sv. Tomaž, but you will need to complete a two-kilometer ascent before you reach the village. Stay on your left, both at the top and after the descent, but be careful when turning onto a side road in the valley. The short stretch of level road should warm you up for the climb to Stara cesta, and riding through the forest should make the ascent easier to bear in the summer heat. You will have a few opportunities to stop and enjoy a view of the Pomurje plain. Stara cesta is a long village that ends with a steep descent. Once you reach flat land and slow down a little, be careful at the unprotected railroad crossing. You will have little time to relax, as you will need to cross the main road and then face another ascent in Žerovinci. Once you reach the top and the 25th kilometer of your journey, turn left. (If you wish, you can also rest at the Cerovec tourist farm, a short distance from the road.) You should be able to see Jeruzalem, the last and highest peak of the route, on your right. But first, descend to Radomerščak, where you can visit the birth house of the renowned linguist Franc Miklošič. Shortcut: If you wish to avoid a descent and part of an ascent, you can follow the signs for Vinska pot (the wine route), but it is not asphalted. Take it easy for the moment, as you will soon face a difficult, three-kilometer climb (although the signs about the degree of the incline are probably a little exaggerated). Just before you reach the top, there is also a side road leading to Železne Dveri. Before you descend back to Ormož, you can also climb the outlook tower, even though you can probably get a good view from the bottom of it as well. The Vinski hram restaurant in Jeruzalem is an excellent place for a short rest. From there, all roads lead to the valley. The shortest way to Ormož is through Mali Brebrovnik, Vinski Vrh and Veliki Brebrovnik (turn right on the main road). Cross the railroad tracks in Pavlovci, head straight through the intersection with traffic lights in Hardek and you will soon reach Ormož.
Ormož, which was known as Holermus after the 13th century, has officially been a city since 1331. It sprang up around the Friedau castle, which was built in 1279, but was later remodeled in the baroque fashion. Near the starting point is the church of St. Jacob, first mentioned in 1271. The church of the Holy Trinity and the castle at Velika Nedelja were built in the 13th century and were owned for many years by the German Teutonic Order. By the road stand a statue of St. John Nepomuk from 1744 and a triangular marking with several niches. In the forest in Sodince, you can see a fort from the Urnfield culture period. The pond in Savci is mainly used for rest and recreation. It is a great place to enjoy a sunny day in the peaceful embrace of nature. Atop the first hill on the route stands the church of St. Thomas from 1725. It is a baroque building shaped like a cross and is filled with neorenaissance furnishings. In the valley just before the most difficult ascent (Radomerščak), you should take a break and visit the birth house of the famous linguist and professor at Vienna University, Franc Miklošič (1813-1891). At the highest point of the route, the lookout tower at Jeruzalem, you will have an excellent view of the surrounding area. A few meters farther, you can also visit the church of the Holy Mother. During the long descent to Ormož, let your eyes wander and enjoy the impressive view of Slovenske gorice. You may also visit the birth house of writer, poet and dramaturgist Fran Ksaver Mešek (1874-1964) in Gornji Ključarovci.
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