> Goriška brda > Tourismus Štanfel - Zimmer

Tourismus Štanfel - Zimmer
Sauberkeit 10.0
Lage 10.0
Komfort 10.0
Dienstleistungen 10.0
Qualität des Angebots in Hinsicht auf den Preis 10.0
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Ken & Deanna Älteres Paar 15.11.2010 ob 04:43We spent 3 wonderful nights at Stanfel's. Diana & Stefan were very kind & attentive & eager to please. Their dinner's were among the best we had in 3 weeks in Europe. Stefan's wine is remarkable, especially considering how inexpensive it is. The rooms are comfortable and well appointed. The dining hall & patio are exceptional spaces, allowing for relaxing & enjoyable dining & wine tasting. Stanfel's is the equal of wineries we have visited in Napa Valley and elsewhere but is far less expensive. I hope you enjoy your stay as much as we did.10
12.9.2010 ob 17:11We spent 4 nights at Stanfel's and we had a really nice time. Our room (Nika) was small but nice and clean, with balcony and wooden furniture. Also the Dinner cooked by Diana is definitely recommendable, and you can have a bottle of Stefan's nice wine with it. At breakfast, don't miss the prosciuto and the delicious apricot jam. From Stanfel's it is only a short drive (or a long walk...?) to Dobrovo and other places in Goriska Brda with lots of vinyards and wine tastings. Nicholas and Diana from Stuttgart/Germany10
12.9.2010 ob 12:09Very friendly people and very lovely food! Nice and clean rooms. Super atmosphere. Great wine cellar (try a sparkling wine tasting and see how Stefan Stanfel uses a sabre to open the bottle!) Very good location to discover the surroundings and the Goriska Bra wine farmers in the neighbourhood. Excellent value!10
25.8.2009 ob 20:52Bivanje na Turizmu Štanfel zelo priporočam zaradi lepe in mirne okolice in pa predvsem gostoljubnih lastnikov. Okolje je čudovito, sobane so lepo urejene. Zanimiv je program degustacije njihovih vin in pokušine domačih briških jedi. Preživeli smo krasen vikend in definitivno se bomo še odločili za obisk. Bilo je nepozabno! Borut & Synetta
10.8.2009 ob 16:35We (my wife and me) spent 2 nights and one full day in the Stanfel's place. And we were very pleased with the friendly atmosphere, very good wine and food. The room was clean and nice. We made few hours walk to the hills with wonderful view. We will come there again. Janusz @ Joanna from Warsaw, Poland10