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Mali blejski krog


Ausgangspunkt: Bled

  • Länge der Radwege:
    30.0 km
  • Zeit:
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad:
  • Boden :
    Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Fahrweg

We will begin in Berje, where the fertile plain north of Bled gives way to the canyon of the Sava Dolinka. You can get here using the road that turns north by the Bled graveyard. Turn right onto a macadamized road by the chapel, cross the Rečica, then follow the flat macadamized road through a forest and past the fields. When the road turns right, you should turn left instead and proceed along a gravel road just above the canyon of the Sava Dolinka river until you reach the asphalt road near the village of Muže. Cross the road and head past the houses to the dirt road ascending Hom. This road can be found after a short bend beyond the first houses of Zasip. The ascent to the church of St. Catherine is rewarded by a wonderful view (but if you do not feel like ascending, feel free to go directly from Muže to Zasip). From Hom, descend sharply past the picturesque houses of Zasip. Once you make it to the crossroads at the bottom of the hill, turn right through Sebenje and Podhom. The steep incline in Podhom is mercifully short. At the next intersection, you can turn toward the Vintgar gorge, but our route heads left to the road from Spodnje Gorje to Poljane and Jesenice. Follow the road for a few meters, then turn right up a short incline and left up a gravel road. The ascent is not only short, but it is the last one for some time. Descend through Višelnica and Mevkuž and you will arrive in . Take the road toward Pokljuka to Krnica, where you should turn left at the bus station. Begin a long descent through Zaboršt and Poljšica back to Bled. Cross the bridge over the railroad tracks and immediately turn right to get to the road leading around the lake. Continue through Zaka past the camping area to Pristava, where you will need to turn toward Bohinj. At the first intersection, turn left and descend sharply past the fields of Selo to the Selo bridge over the Sava Dolinka. Follow the road along the Sava left bank to get to the next bridge, the Ribno bridge. Cross it and cycle along the right bank to the third and final bridge, the Bodešče bridge. Switch banks again. You are now just beneath the Bodešče climbing area. Turn right past the barrier, then take walking path no.10 back to Koritno. Finally, follow the asphalt road back to Bled.

A bicycle is extremely handy for exploring the surroundings of Bled. You will be cycling through picturesque villages that are mostly devoid of tourists. The route is not difficult. If you wish to stop at any time, the center of Bled is never far away. You can also start anywhere you wish.



Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).