> Attività > Homec - Groblje
Homec - Groblje
punto di partenza: : Domžale
- lunghezza:
30.0 km - tempo:
00:00:00 - difficolta:
semplice - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato
Descrizione della strada
The easiest cycling route in the area begins in the Domžale sports park. Take the road beneath Šumberk, heading past Podrečje and Dob, across the main road to the castles of Češenik and Črnelo. Continue past Radomlje to Homec and ascend Homški hrib, where you can visit the church. From here, cross the main road and use the field paths to get to Mengeš. Pass Mengeš using the side roads and proceed onto the Mengeš - Domžale plain. At the end of the gravel road, rest at the lime avenue and visit the church in Groblje. Next, head toward Domžale and make your way through the city streets to Stob. Pass the church and the Franc Bernik cultural home on your way to Štude. Cycle through Šentpavel, Dragomelj, Pšata and Bišče, cross the highway and return to the starting point along Kamniška Bistrica.
- the castles of Češenik and Črnelo - churches in Homec, Groblje and Goričica - Franc Bernik cultural home
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