> Aktivitäten > Vrhnika - Žiri

Vrhnika - Žiri

Ausgangspunkt: Vrhnika
- Länge der Radwege:
24.0 km - Zeit:
02:30:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The route begins in Vrhnika. Cycle in the direction of Horjul past Stara Vrhnika to the crossroads, then turn left toward Podlipa and Smrečje. The road leads along the valley of the Podlipščica stream. The land is mainly level, covered with grasslands and fields. The valley ends at the village Podlipa with the church of St. Brikcij. You can refresh yourself at the restaurant Jurca or Pri Vrtnarju. Continue past the villages, then take a sharp turn right and begin ascending. There is an incredible view of the village from the slope. The road to Smrečje basically ascends constantly. It is asphalted and has little motorized traffic. This is the perfect time to take a few deep breaths of fresh air and rest your eyes on the greenery. The church of St. Mary's Ascension atop the hill in Smrečje is also worth visiting. A light descent will bring you to the eastern side of Žiri. If you would like to see the center of the town, turn left at the first intersection. This old municipal center has a rich history. Typical trades in the area included shoemaking, carpentry and lacemaking.
Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).