> Aktivitäten > Špica z Razglednim stolpom

Špica z Razglednim stolpom

Ausgangspunkt: Vrhnika
- Länge der Radwege:
9.0 km - Zeit:
01:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The route begins in Vrhnika, by the church of St. Lenart beneath Klanec, just beneath the Cankar memorial house. At the intersection of three roads, head north toward Ulovka. Pass the shopping center and follow the major road at the next intersection. Continue along the level asphalt road past the new primary school and barracks to the crossroads where roads lead toward Ulovka, Zaplana and the Lookout tower. Turn left and begin ascending a slope. On the left, there is a beautiful view of Old Vrhnika, and eventually you will be able to see your destination – the Lookout tower. The road constantly ascends and eventually you will reach a forest that provides shade. The asphalt ends at the next intersection, where it is replaced by a macadam road leading toward the Lookout tower. Cycle along a few more bends, up a longer slope and you're at the top! Besides the well-known wooden tower from 1956, there is also a mountain shelter. On a clear day, you can see all the way over the Ljubljana moor to Ljubljana and the Kamnik mountains.
Vrhnika with its sights, the lookout tower with a view of the Ljubljana Moor, Ljubljana and the Kamnik mountains.
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