> Aktivitäten > Prijazna


Ausgangspunkt: Ormož
- Länge der Radwege:
38.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
Your journey will begin in front of the hotel in Ormož. Take the main road toward Hardek, where you should turn right at the main intersection toward the town of Središče pri Dravi. After a few kilometers of relatively comfortable riding, turn left toward Hum. Now comes the first longer ascent. When you make it to the top, you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the hilly Slovenske gorice and the opportunity to visit the church of St. John. From the church, descend a winding and not very good road to Šalovci. When you get to the crossroads, turnl right toward Središče ob Dravi. Descend slowly for about four kilometers and you should get to Grabe, where you should turn left to the center of Središče ob Drava. There, turn left again toward Godenince. Continue through Vodrance to Vitan. Shortcut: In Šalovci, turn left to Vitan. In Vitan, turn onto the hill road toward Lačeves. This part of the route can be rather difficult due to the steep ascent, especially in the summer. Physical fitness is recommended, as are a few spare bottles of water to quench your thirst. Those of you who still care about culture after that excruciating ascent can visit the church of St. Bolfenk. Otherwise, proceed down the road and after a short descent turn left into the valley, where you should turn left again. At the next crossroads, turn right, uphill. At the top of the hill, you will reach the town of Kog, where you should turn right. Feel free to take a break at the Hlebec tourist farm, then continue on your way toward Stara gora. Before beginning the rather adrenaline-packed descent toward Vuzmetinci, we recommend you make sure that you are well-rested and have plenty of water left, as there are quite a few kilometers left to go. Following the descent, you should reach a junction where you should head straight toward Ilovci. The road winds across a hilly landscape covered with vineyards. If you needed proof that this is a rather remote area, you will receive this proof in the form of a kilometer-long dirt road. During the summer months, you are sure to get dust all over your body... unless it is raining, in which case you will receive a free mud bath instead. After that interesting experience, another few kilometers of cycling should take you to an intersection where you should turn right toward Miklavž pri Ormožu. From there, you only have a few kilometers along level roads through Pavlovce and Hardek to your starting point. If you still have some energy left over, you can turn right in Miklavž pri Ormožu, toward Vinski Vrh. This will take you to a cycling road that encompasses the central part of Slovenske gorice.
Castle Ormož (Friedau) stands high above the river Drava and was first mentioned in written records during the 13th century. It changed hands several times, its last owners being the counts of Wurmbrand - from 1910 until the end of World War II. The church of St. Jacob in Ormož was first mentioned in 1271 and received its Renaissance appearance in the late 16th century. Between the years 1869 and 1873, murals were painted on the church walls by Jakob Brollo. The church of St. John atop Hum was built in 1611. A bell tower was added during the early 18th century, and a vestry during the early 19th century. The church of St. Bolfenk in Kog was built in 1688, then enlarged between 1750 and 1811. It obtained its present appearance after WWII, as it was partially destroyed during the battles of April, 1945. There is a church of St. Nicholas in Miklavž pri Ormožu, first mentioned in 1486. The route will also take you by the Koračice nature reserve.
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