> Aktivitäten > Polška planina

Polška planina

Ausgangspunkt: Lesce
- Länge der Radwege:
25.0 km - Zeit:
02:50:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Waldweg
Lesce-Hlebce-Begunje-Lodge in Draga – 7 kilometers of asphalt road. Afterwards, follow the macadam road up a steep slope past Planinca to the Tomeč lodge at Polška planina. Turn left at the lodge, descend to Kališče and turn onto the macadamized road. Follow it uphill to its end. Turn slightly to the right and continue the wonderful descent to a crossroads where you should turn left. You'll soon reach a macadamized road that descends all the way to Begunje. Follow the asphalt Begunje through Poljče, Rodine and Hraše to Lesce.
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