> Aktivitäten > Obmejna pot

Obmejna pot

Ausgangspunkt: Grad
- Länge der Radwege:
36.0 km - Zeit:
01:40:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Waldweg
Starting at the biggest castle in Slovenia, cycle through the village of Grad to Kuzma. Pass through the upper part of Matjaševci along a road leading next to the Austrian border and you will eventually reach Tromejnik, a pyramid-shaped stone marking the spot where the Slovenian, Austrian and Hungarian borders meet in Trdkova. You can reach Martinj or the outlook point (Srebrni breg) using either the shorter route from Tromejnik and also visit the educational forest trail or take the longer route along the Hungarian border. Both options will get you to Martinj. Continue along the ridge, but you will soon need to turn left onto a macadamized road that heads through the forest to the Lenarčič mill in Neradnovci, then past Mrzli studenec, a clear water spring, to Šulinci. Proceed toward Boreča through the valley of the Merak stream. After passing the »balloon« (the monument in Ženavlje), turn off the asphalt road in the lower part of Boreča and follow the forest road to a meadow amid the pine forests. Take a look at the church of St. Ann here, then take the macadamized road through the forests and over Križarka (where several important regional roads meet) back to Grad, the site of Slovenias biggest castle.
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