> Aktivitäten > Ob Savi od Litije do Ljubljane

Ob Savi od Litije do Ljubljane

Ausgangspunkt: Litija
- Länge der Radwege:
22.0 km - Zeit:
01:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
This is an attractive connection between Litija to Ljubljana via the local road past Kresnice, Kresniška Poljane, Jevnica andLaze. The route runs along the Sava river and the railroad. Begin cycling in Litija. If you came over the main bridge from Ljubljana, turn to the right immediately after the bridge (the road to Zagorje is on the left). Pass the florist's shop (Vijolica) and continue to Podšentjurj. The road soon begins to lightly ascend to Pogonik, where there is a beautiful view of the valley of the Sava river and the railroad bridge. Descend, then cross the railroad tracks 300 meters later and cycle along the banks of the Sava to Kresnice (2 km) and the church of St. Benedict. Continue along the Sava toward Kresniške Poljane with the church of the Holy Mother. Stay on the main road past Jevnica and Laze to the confluence of the Ljubljanica, Sava and Kamniška Bistrica rivers in Podgrad.
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