> Aktivitäten > Mokra pustolovščina

Mokra pustolovščina

Ausgangspunkt: Moravske Toplice
- Länge der Radwege:
43.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
- the Mura river: The winding river bed and the still branches of the river provide a home for several endangered animal species. A safe boat journey downriver lets you get in touch with nature and experience the river from a different perspective. - Otok ljubezni (Island of love): A well-known tourist destination by the left bank of the Mura river, near Ižakovci. It is the site of many social gatherings, and you can also ride the old ferry. - Prekmurska iža (in Ižakovci): Known far and wide for genuine local specialties and a unique atmosphere. If you do not stop here, you will miss an unforgettable culinary adventure.
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