> Aktivitäten > Kolesarska pot na Roglo 2-8

Kolesarska pot na Roglo 2-8

Ausgangspunkt: Zreče
- Länge der Radwege:
20.0 km - Zeit:
01:50:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
Cycle through the village, past the lake and head up the winding road to Križevec. Descend past the Urška tourist farm toward Stranice. In Stranice, cross the Celje - Maribor main road and proceed among the orchards, through bukovje, toward Zanggers ponds, where you can relax by the water and prepare for the way back. From the ponds, ascend the nearby Stenica hill and enjoy the impressive view of the surrounding area. Then, descend and return to Terme Zreče along the Ljubnica stream.
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