> Aktivitäten > Kolesarska pot Konšca

Kolesarska pot Konšca

Ausgangspunkt: Lom pod Storžičem
- Länge der Radwege:
17.0 km - Zeit:
02:40:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The route begins at the end of the village Lom pod Storžičem (you can park at the Fire station, 700 m). After a few hundred meters, you should reach Potarje and begin to descend a steep, first asphalted, then macadamized road leading to »Na Strmc«. Take the forest road to the lookout point »Na Boštu«, then cycle another kilometer until you reach the forest road leading to the hut on the mountain »Spodna Konšca«. From here, walk to the hut. Get some rest and refresh yourself after two hours of tiring cycling and about 750 meters of ascending. Return to the valley past the lookout point »Na Boštu«, then cross the forested slopes of »Konšca« to the village of Grahovše in the Lom valley.
The »Konšca« route is the first of several theme trails in the Tržič township and shows the way of life in the middle-height mountain ranges. From the farmsteads to the mountain cottages, travellers will explore the cultural and natural treasures of the area and learn to feel at home even in the depths of nature. The forested mountain of »Konšca« rises steeply above the precipices of Domžanova soteska and extends all the way to the base of Javornik, shaped like a horses back with a mountain in the saddle. At the top, just beneath the tree line, in the pass between the valleys of the Triška Bistrica and Lomščica river, travellers may stop for a moment and catch a glimpse of themselves reflected in the water, amidst the mountains. The high pyramid of Storžič in the south, the crest of Košuta in the north, »Vonc« and »Kotu« on both sides... and man in the center, like a balance point between the deepest and highest secrets of nature. narave.
Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).