> Aktivitäten > Gor-dol


Ausgangspunkt: Lenart
- Länge der Radwege:
47.0 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Schwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
Starting in front of the church in the centre of Lenart, cycle through the village of Varda toward Jurovski Dol. If you decide to take a short break here, you can visit the church of St. George. Then, cross the Globovnica stream and begin a tiring ascent to Sp. Gasteraj. Your efforts will be rewarded with an excellent view of Slovenske gorice. Your next stop is Zg. Velka and the highest point of the route - the church of Saint Mary of the Snows at 402 meters above sea level. On your way there, you will cross the valley of the Velka stream, which means a short and steep descent and then an ascent. As you continue to Trate, you will find another descent and ascent (there are a lot of them on this route, you will notice) as you turn back toward Lenart through Lokavec and Rožengrunt. During this part of the ride, you will have the opportunity to admire the Mura plain on the Austrian side of the border. You can refresh yourself at the tourist farm in Rožengrunt, as you will need to face another difficult ascent after a few kilometers of lightly descending. This time, you will go up Sv. Ana, where another church is located. After a winding descent, a relaxing ride through Froleh, Spodnje Žerjavce and Zgornje Žerjavce is all that separates you from your final destination in Lenart. There is about a kilometer of paved road in Sp. Žerjavci, but it is very well-maintained and is to be asphalted very soon.
Lenart is the biggest settlement in Slovenske gorice and was first mentioned as early as the 12th century. During the Reformation period it was the center of protestant activity in the region. It obtained its name from the church of St. Leonard, first mentioned in 1196. The church obtained its present gothic appearance in the early 16th century and is considered the most beautiful example of late gothic architecture in Slovenske gorice. In Jurovski Dol, you can see the church of St. George from 1388, which was rebuilt several times and now has a gothic appearance. The church of Saint Mary of the Snows was built in 1689, while the present building with a bell tower was built a century later. This was once a famous pilgrimage church. In Trata stand two castles. The lower one is the castle of Cmurek, first mentioned in 1145. The castle has several interesting features: a renaissance arcade courtyard, an interesting gothic portal... The other, upper castle is Kaprals castle, a building from the 19th century. There is a succursal church of Mary in Rožengrunt, while the town of Sv. Ana is named after its church, which was built in 1705 on the site of a wooden chapel from the mid-17th century. By the road stand a plague mark from 1637 called Pomorski križ and a chapel which was built before World War II. The main altar was created by J. Holzinger, whose work can also be admired in the church on Zg. Velka.
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