> Aktivitäten > Golte - Žekovec

Golte - Žekovec

Ausgangspunkt: Hotel Golte - zgornja postaja nihalke
- Länge der Radwege:
9.0 km - Zeit:
01:20:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Fahrweg
- The route begins at the Golte Hotel, upper station of the lift. 0 km
- Wooden gate, close it behind you!- occasionally open 0.5 km (macadam)
- Fork in the road, make a sharp right 0.6 km (macadam)
- Turn left (you can see Bela peč on the right) and follow the macadamized road 1.4 km (macadam)
- Level plateau 2.8 km (macadam)
- Straight ahead, end of macadam 5.5 km (asphalt)
- Cycle straight past the road to Radegunda 6.1 km (asphalt)
- Make a sharp right and pass the Sigoničnik farm 6.5 km (macadam)
- Turn right in front of the Srebočnik farm, you'll see a chapel on the left after 100 meters (macadam)
- Past the Kugler farm 7.7 km (macadam)
- Turn left at the crossroads (follow the signpost toward Žekovec) 8 km (macadam)
- Turn right 8.2 km (macadam)
- Turn to the far right 9.1 km (asphalt)
- Village Žekovec 9.3 km (asphalt)
- Lower station of the lift 9.7 km (asfalt)
OPTION You'll reach a crossroads where you should turn left (follow the signpost toward Žekovec). Turn right onto a macadamized road and right again onto a gravel road 20 meters later. Turn left. The macadam ends, turn right to the lower station of the lift.
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