> Aktivitäten > Gače pri Zatrniku

Gače pri Zatrniku

Ausgangspunkt: Železniska postaja Bled-jezero
- Länge der Radwege:
19.0 km - Zeit:
02:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Schwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Waldweg
This relatively short mountain route begins by the railroad station in Bled. From there, follow the asphalt through the village of Poljšica to the main road for Pokljuka. The road constantly ascends through the village, so you will not really have any time to admire the old protected farms. After reaching the top of Pobočnica, relax with a short descent, then continue ascending up the main road for about 2 kilometers. Turn left onto the macadam and say goodbye to the hot asphalt. Follow the macadam road and you will soon have a beautiful view of Karavanke and the Kamniško-Savinjske Alps. The road isn't too steep, so you should soon get through Gače to the Barjanca ski slope at Zatrnik. You'll reach the highest point of the ascent at the crossroads where a road branches off toward Pokljuka. Descend slowly for a short while until you reach the walking path leading toward the Zaka camp. Here, the technical part of the descent begins.
Descend down the road to Slamniki. At the meadows, turn right and cycle until you reach the end. Now you have two options. You can turn left and descend to the farm at Slamniki or pass the cottage and cycle through a beautiful spruce forest. After exiting the forest, descend to the road to Galetovec and follow it dowhill. You will soon reach a very difficult descent that will bring you to a farm. Follow the gravel road for a few hundred meters, then turn right and follow the road for some time. You'll probably have to step off your bicycle at least twice, since the winter snows often make trees fall and block the road. Once you cross the stream (whose water is of course drinkable), you'll reach a road that you should follow for a few hundred meters. A new stretch of road was made this year, so the next intersection is a bit difficult to spot. As soon as you reach the newly built curve, walk to the right along the old road to the next part of the route. You can also turn left 100 meters later, but the road is barely visible here. (If you miss it, you can also continue along the gravel road.) Make your way along the barely visible path to the houses (about 400 meters). Before reaching the houses, turn left along the poorly maintained road and go practically through the forest to the asphalt road. Cross the road and descend down the gravel road rapidly to Bohinjska Bela. Here, say goodbye to the fun descent and ascend another few hundred meters past the restaurant to the mountain pass beneath Osojnica above the railroad tunnel, along the path leading to Zaka. After a difficult but short ascent, descend to Lake Bled. Finally, head for Hlapon at the railroad station.
A route in the direct vicinity of Bled where the beauty of the landscape is present through and through. The descent itself is occasionally technically demanding, but extremely beautiful and fluid.
Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).