> Aktivitäten > Dolina Radovne in Triglavske doline 2

Dolina Radovne in Triglavske doline 2

Ausgangspunkt: Krnica
- Länge der Radwege:
46.0 km - Zeit:
02:30:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße
The Radovna valley starts in the village of Krnica, the last village before the road begins its ascent to Pokljuka. Descend to the bridge over the Radovna river, cross it and head upriver. The asphalt is soon replaced by comfortable macadam that leads you to the valley without any major inclines. There are several interesting things along the route. Napoleons rock (the marking by the road), by the bridge over the river you can see the ruins of the Smole homestead, and you will also ride by the Psnak sawmill and watermill. After about 12 kilometers of riding through the valley, you should reach a crossroads with a signpost. If you turn right, you will reach a pleasant homestead after 700 meters. Not far beyond the restaurant, the road begins a short but steep ascent to Kosmačev preval (844 m), where a 4-kilometer road splits off and heads through the Kot valley. Return the way you came.
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