> Aktivitäten > Bovec-Kal Koritnica-Čezsoča-Bovec

Bovec-Kal Koritnica-Čezsoča-Bovec

Ausgangspunkt: Bovec
- Länge der Radwege:
15.2 km - Zeit:
00:00:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Leicht - Boden :
Asphalt, Schotterstraße, Fahrweg
An easy to semi-demanding circular biking trail that leads across the eastern part of the Bovec Basin. From the centre of Bovec, this tour leads via the main road toward Mala vas, where at the B&B Bar a left turn from the main road is made. Here, continue right and cycle along the brook through Mala vas and further across the meadows and parallel with the main road up to the junction with the B4b walking trail leading to Ravni Laz. At the junction, keep straight and cycle further until the main Bovec-Log pod Mangrtom road is reached. Here, cross the main road and leave it again after some metres where there is a right branch-off for a macadam trail. The tour continues along this macadam road up to a bridge where a right turn is to be made to the “Kukč” homestead. Further along, there is rather steep ascent, followed by a nottoo- steep descent to the village of Koritnica. The tour continues through the village up to the junction for the main Bovec- Trenta road, where you turn left for Trenta; however, leave the main road again after 100 m at the right branch-off for the hamlet of Jablenca. Next is an interesting descent via footpath to a bridge over the Soča River. After crossing the bridge, there is a short ascent to an asphalt road. Here, turn left in the direction of Zmuklica and continue up to the end of the asphalt road at the Štefan homestead. From here, the walking trail for Kršovec is followed. After a kilometre of more demanding trail, where the bike has to be carried in some sections, a cart track is reached. At this point, turn right up the slopes of Javoršček. An uphill section is followed by a short, flat one, and then by a junction with a macadam road. Here, turn left and make an extra trip to a vantage point situated 200 m higher at the landslide on the slopes of Javoršček, or turn right and descend to the asphalt Čezsoča-Jablenca road. At the junction with the asphalt road, turn left to Čezsoča and from there right and across the bridge over the Soča River. Soon after the bridge, turn left and cycle uphill to a flat section. Here, the tour leads right and, via the airfield, brings you to the starting point in the centre of Bovec.
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