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Slavnik - The window to Adriatic Sea
As you probably know already Slovenia is also a hikking destination. We have mountain peaks and even lower hills that are much easier to access yet offer magnificent view of the surrounding nature.
One of such marvels is Slavnik. Situated close toAdriatic sea, the Slovene coastline and Italian border Slavnik is a 1028m high hill, famous by its panoramic views and typical vegetation adapted to strong winds that shape the surface. From Ljubljana you need only 45 minutes by car to reachSlavnik. In the village ofPodgorjeyou can leave your car and there is also a map that informs you about where to go.
So let me tell you about my experience with the˝magic mountain˝...
On a sunny day I decided to climb Slavnik and see the panorama I was told about. Starting my way in the village of Podgorje I reached the top of the hill in a bit more than one hour, enough for my cheeks to get slightly red and for my smile to appear. The path was nicely marked and safe to walk on. Fresh air and vegetation filled my body with new wave energy and I felt more relaxed than when visiting the best spa. But the view, oh the view made me speechless. As the day was clear and sunny I could even see theItalian Dolomites, not only the Adriatic sea. Close to the hut I drank my home-prepared lemonade (as there was noone to serve hot tea) and ate a sandwich. I felt like I climbed Mt. Everest, same proud, same thrilled by the nature and view. I saw three people alltogether on the mountain and a dog. Really so much different from the city hustle.
Foto: Lana Švab (2012)
I recommend you to see the panoramic view from Slavnik for yourself.By the way - did you climb any other mountain in Slovenia?